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Finding ISBNs and ISSNs


This is a 13-digit code used to identify a book. You find it on the back cover of paperbacks, or inside the fly jacket of a hardback, usually above the barcode.

Older books may have a 10-digit ISBN. When you add this to your DACS Payback account list, it will automatically be converted to its equivalent 13-digit number.


This is an 8-digit number to identify a magazine or journal. Magazines usually have the same ISSN for every edition/issue. You may find it on the front cover, above the barcode. 

If you can’t find the ISSN of a magazine, type the barcode number in when adding a title to your DACS Payback account list. Our site will convert the number for you. Only enter the first 13 digits of the barcode (usually beginning 977), with no spaces or hyphens.

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