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Artist services

Has your work been published in Germany or the Netherlands? Claim your share of royalties by 23 August 2024

A bookcase with colourful books
The British Library, 2014 © Yinka Shonibare CBE. All Rights Reserved, DACS/Artimage. Image courtesy Stephen Friedman Gallery. Photo: Jonathan Bassett.

Artists and estates can now claim their share of Public Lending Right (PLR) royalties for the lending of books featuring their work by libraries in Germany and the Netherlands.

In both countries public libraries must compensate creators for each book they lend out. Through our Dutch and German counterparts, Pictoright and VG Bildkunst, we receive a portion of these funds annually to distribute to artists and visual creators.

How to apply

Find out if you are eligible and complete a claim form by 23 August.

The PLR schemes acknowledge an artist's right to compensation for their contributions to books available in public libraries, and helps support creators' livelihoods across various territories. DACS partners with Bildkunst in Germany and Pictoright in the Netherlands to administer these PLR schemes specifically for visual artists based in the UK.

Royalty payments will be paid to claimants by the end of 2024.

For more information, email the DACS Payback team or call 0207 780 7580.
