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Jeremy Deller on surviving financially as an artist

A white man with short black hair and a pink jumper talking to the camera
Jeremy Deller. © Brian Benson 2013

Former Turner Prize winner Jeremy Deller talks to DACS about his favourite projects, surviving financially as an artist and the importance of the Artist’s Resale Right.

In an online interview with DACS, artist Jeremy Deller talks about why aspiring artists shouldn’t take too much notice of other people’s work.

Don’t look at what other people are doing and get upset by it… be willing to change your plans but not necessarily to compromise

Jeremy Deller

Jeremy also discusses his favourite projects as well as more difficult times when he’s struggled for money. He reveals that during the time he was working on the Battle of Orgreaves, (the piece of work for which he is best known) was when he was struggling for money most of all. This strikes a chord with many artists around the UK, for whom the median salary was only £10,000 in 2010.

Jeremy joins other artists such as Tracey Emin and Stuart Semple who have added their support to the extension of the Artist’s Resale Right. Almost 2,000 artists have signed an online petition supporting the full implementation of the Right.

This film is part of a series of artist’s profiles by DACS. Watch the Gavin Turk video.

Find out more about the Artist’s Resale Right.
