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Artist services

DACS speaks about the importance of safeguarding artists’ livelihoods in two-day conference

Four people sitting on a stage in front of a screen of someone video-calling them
AI Panel, CISAC European Committee 2024

Yesterday, as part of CISAC’s two-day European Committee meeting in Athens, DACS CEO, Christian Zimmermann spoke about the importance of protecting artists’ rights in the current ever-evolving technological environment.

CISAC’s (The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers) European Committee heard CMO (Copyright Management Organisations) leaders, creators, and artificial intelligence entrepreneurs discuss the challenges and opportunities in copyright and legal policy. The aim was to collaboratively work towards finding a business model that works for creators in the AI age.

Lina Mendoni, the Minister of Culture of Greece said: “AI must be a tool of innovation supporting creators”.

The two-day meeting began yesterday and is hosted by Autodia in Athens.

DACS is calling on the UK government to introduce regulations on generative AI to protect the IP of visual artists and other creatives.

DACS’ 5 recommendations are:

  • Consent, control and compensation: AI models must comply with copyright law and artists must authorise the use of their works for AI training.
  • Transparency: AI models must be open about what data or artworks have been used for training.
  • Regulation: Government must establish safeguards and regulations that address use of personal data, misinformation and deepfakes.
    International competitiveness: Government should adopt blanket licensing and levy schemes as a way to remunerate creators for the use of their work, like many other countries have done.
  • Incentivising human creativity: Government must improve pay and work for artists, and incentivise skills and training in AI for all ages.

Read more about our recent report on Artificial Intelligence and its impact on visual artists’ careers and livelihoods
