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DACS Meets: Nick Goss on the Artist's Resale Right

Figures reclining in a train carriage
End of the Line, distemper, oil and screen print on linen, 160x210cm, 2021. All photos courtesy of the artist and CFA Berlin and Matthias Kolb.

Welcome to DACS Meets, an ongoing series of insights from our members on their practice and life as an artist. 

In this instalment, painter Nick Goss discusses how Artist's Resale Right has enabled him to keep track of his work once it enters the art market as well as using the royalties to develop his practice.

I have only recently begun receiving royalties for the resale of my works, either at auction or by a gallery. They have been incredibly helpful in covering my costs and enabling me to continue making works as my career progresses. I had not heard of DACS until I was tipped off by a good artist friend a couple of years back. He mentioned it could be useful to look into - I'm very glad to have followed his advice.

The royalties I have received from the Artist’s Resale Right have been incredibly useful in supplementing my income, especially during this last year. Costs mount up, especially as I continue to rent studios in London and so I find it very helpful to know there are some extra funds coming in.

I have recently started to silk screen onto the surface of my paintings. This is a new development in my practice, one which involves having screens fabricated by a company in London. This extra expense initially seemed like a luxury and out of reach. But the regular income from my Artist’s Resale Right royalties have helped me out with this expenditure and meant I have developed this side of my practice at quicker pace than I was expecting to.

Psychologically, I think it is great for artists to know their work doesn't disappear into a void after it leaves their studio. Were it not for the Artist’s Resale Right, I could lose track of some of the paintings. It is heartening for the artist to know that someone is keeping tabs on your paintings, wherever they may travel.

It’s not a subject that is covered in much depth at art school, I believe a lot of early career artists can find the secondary market intimidating and confusing. It is not only useful to have a little help in keeping track of your work, but also in providing some much-needed income to supplement the costs of being a practising artist; running a studio, buying materials etc.

I’d say to any fellow artists starting out on their journey that they should look into royalties, as they may be owed money they didn’t even know about before. The Artist’s Resale Right recognises our work, as well as allowing us to continually benefit from it once it’s out of our hands and into the wider world!

Find out more about Nick Goss here.

About the Artist's Resale Right

The Artist’s Resale Right is a vital source of income for artists working in the UK today, which provides them with an ongoing stake in the increasing value of their work. The right also plays a significant role in the art world eco-system, enabling galleries, auction houses and art dealers to contribute directly to artists and their ongoing practice.

Recently, DACS celebrated £100m paid out in royalties to artist's and estates since the royalty came into law in 2006.

Find out more

Are you an artist or a beneficiary of an artist's estate? Find out how you can benefit from the Artist's Resale Right through free membership of DACS.

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Phone: +44 (0) 20 7780 7575

