DACS licenses work for a new 2024 Olympics Team GB collection
DACS worked with King & McGaw to license the work of artist member Fiona Rae for an official Team GB poster.
The artist’s work features as part of a collection of limited edition prints and commemorative posters, in celebration of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
DACS has worked in partnership with King & McGaw for a number of years, licensing our members' works for a collection of special edition prints, including Patrick Caulfield and Gilbert & George.
‘I’ve made an image which spells out the Team GB Olympics slogan for Paris 2024, Everyday Extraordinary, whilst simultaneously creating a field of abstraction with all its ambiguities and its openness to interpretation.
I’ve included shapes and brush marks that reference the Paris Olympics and the spirit of play and fairness to all. There are rainbows that might be Pride flags, there are pink and pale green curving flowers that bear a resemblance to the Olympic flame, the Paralympics logo turns on its axis and becomes green, blue and red paint flicks, whilst the Olympic rings change size and bounce along at the bottom. The red, white and blue targets or hoops at the top might be read as the French tricolour cockade or the British Mod pop symbol borrowed from the RAF, with the Paris Olympics official image of a pair of lips perched on it, because we’re all friends…’
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