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Artist services

DACS contributes to new report on ‘The impact of digital technology on arts and culture in the UK’

Person wearing VR headset and holding controllers
The Bluecoat, Liverpool, UK, 2019, Shezad Dawood © Shezad Dawood. All rights reserved, DACS/Artimage 2022. Photo: Rob Battersby

DACS was pleased to contribute to the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) report on ‘The impact of digital technology on arts and culture in the UK’ that provides an overview of the impact of digital technology on the arts and culture sector in the UK.

The report focuses on the uses of emerging digital technologies and the impact of COVID-19 on artists and other cultural stakeholders, summarising the policy priorities, challenges and barriers in accessing technology in the sector.

DACS highlighted how artists had been affected by the emergence of digital technology, both pre and post-pandemic including discussing how the impact of shareable tech and AI has impacted artist working practices and opportunities for income equity and generation.

Read the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) report 'The impact of digital technology on arts and culture in the UK'.
