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Artist services

Culture, Media and Sport Committee chair visits DACS artists at Arts Space, Portsmouth

three people looking at an artists' book. The person in the middle is holding the book open.
Dame Caroline Dinenage MP visits the studios of environmental artist Adrian Mundy and painter Anne Shaw, at Art Space Portsmouth.
Photo by Dave Dodge/PA Media Assignments

We have to ensure that the recommendations from the CMS Committee are enacted and that we secure the Smart Fund – a system to remunerate the private use of works on digital devices, a freelance commissioner and a sustainable framework for copyright protected works used by AI.

Christian Zimmermann
Chief Executive, DACS

Dame Caroline Dinenage, MP for Gosport and Chair of the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, met with artists Anne Shaw and Adrian Mundy on the day a new report by the committee backed the Smart Fund and better support for freelance creatives.

The report recommends the UK government implement The Smart Fund, a scheme to compensate creators for private copying of their content across digital devices. Research has shown the Smart Fund could generate between £250-£300 million annually for creatives.

The committees findings also back the creation of a Freelancer Commissioner, to advocate across Government in the interests of creative freelancers, and of other freelance and self-employed people more broadly.
