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Artist services

Types of work eligible for ARR

Graphic or plastic artworks

Any copyright-protected work of graphic or plastic art is eligible for ARR.

This includes:

  • pictures
  • collages
  • paintings
  • drawings
  • engravings
  • prints
  • lithographs
  • sculptures
  • tapestry
  • ceramics
  • glassware
  • photographs

Posters, copies, and limited editions

Graphic work, like lithographs, etchings, or original prints that are authored by a named artist are eligible.

Copies of a work may also be eligible. They must be one of a limited number and made under the authority of the artist themselves. This also includes prints which are bought directly from a publishing house and then resold to the public.

Mass reproductions of works like unlimited posters and print copies are not eligible.

Furniture, silverware and jewellery

Furniture, silverware and jewellery pieces may be eligible for ARR.

To qualify, they must:

  • be created by a named artist or craftsperson
  • qualify for copyright protection
  • created in a limited number

Mass-produced items are not usually eligible.

Next section:
How ARR payments are calculated