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Artist's Resale Right (ARR) Regulations 2006

This law applies from 13 February 2006, throughout the UK. ARR secures a proportion of the ongoing value of a work for artists and beneficiaries. Royalties are payable to UK, Australia and EEA artists and their beneficiaries, on works which resell for £1000 or over by art market professionals.

Types of work covered

“Work” is defined as “any work of graphic or plastic art such as a picture, a collage, a painting, a drawing, an engraving, a print, a lithograph, a sculpture, a tapestry, a ceramic, an item of glassware or a photograph”.

A copy of a work is only understood as a “work” if it is one of a limited number made by the author, or under their instruction.

Amount of payment due

What’s payable is calculated as a percentage of the sale price. However, the total ARR royalty payable on the sale of a work is capped at £12,500.

Percentages by sale price:

  • £0 to £50,000 = 4%
  • £50,000.01 to £200,000 = 3%
  • £200,000.01 to £350,000 = 1%
  • £350,000.01 to £500,000 = 0.5%
  • Above £500,000 = 0.25%

Artist's Resale Right Regulations 2006

From the linked pages, you can also find amendments to any regulations made under the Artist’s Resale Right (Amendment) Regulations 2011.

The next 4 sections on this page contain links through to relevant parts of the Regulations on

About the Regulations

Introductory Text

  1. Citation, commencement and extent
  2. Interpretation

Explanatory Note

Artist’s Resale Right Regulations 2006

Access the Artist’s Resale Right Regulations 2006 on

Artist's Resale Right regulations 2006

Artist’s Resale Right (Amendment) Regulations 2011

Access the Artist’s Resale Right (Amendment) Regulations 2011 on

Artist’s Resale Right (Amendment) Regulations 2011