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Artist services

Artist's Resale Right royalty calculator

When a work resells for £1000 or over, you may need to pay the artist a royalty payment under the Artist’s Resale Right Regulations 2006. These apply throughout the UK.

On 1 April 2024, the currency for ARR calculation changed from Euros to Pounds Sterling. Sales concluded prior to this date will be subject to the Euros currency calculation. You can use our calculator to work out if a sale came to €1,000 or more, based on the exchange rate for that particular day.

Find out what you need to pay

Enter your sale details in euro or pounds sterling on our ARR royalty calculator or calculate the ARR threshold on the sale date.

How the payment is worked out

What’s payable is calculated as a percentage of the sale price:

  • £0 to £50,000 = 4%
  • £50,000.01 to £200,000 = 3%
  • £200,000.01 to £350,000 = 1%
  • £350,000.01 to £500,000 = 0.5%
  • Above £500,000 = 0.25%

Please note: this scale is cumulative, which means that where the sale price is higher than the first threshold, the royalty on each portion of the price must be calculated accordingly and added together to arrive at the final sum. The total ARR royalty payable on the sale of a work is capped at £12,500.

For example, take an artwork that sells for £210,000. The first £50,000 would achieve 4% (£2,000), the next £150,000 would achieve 3% (£4,500), and the final £10,000 would achieve 1% (£100). The total royalties due would be £6,600.

Pay Artist’s Resale Right

Find out how to complete the next step, and pay any royalties you’re liable to pay.

Pay Artist’s Resale Right