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Artist services

Artist’s Resale Right (ARR)

This gives artists and their beneficiaries a right to a payment every time their work is resold for £1000 or more. We’ve helped artists and estates claim over £125 million in ARR royalties since 2006. Find out how it works, and how to get your royalties.

Register for ARR royalties

When you join the DACS ARR service, we monitor sales of your work and collect the royalties for you. It's free to join and you could receive a payment of between £40 and £12,500 each time your work resells.

A man on a wheelchair on the left in a room with colourful prints and a costume on a mannequin
Yinka Shonibare, by Brian Benson

The Artist’s Resale Right supports those at the heart of this country’s creative economy and is a right we should all be proud of.

Yinka Shonibare

Artist’s Resale Right explained

ARR gives artists and their beneficiaries the right to a payment when their work is resold for £1000 or more with the involvement of a gallery, auction house or art dealer. Find out more about how it works with our guides and tools.

Pay ARR royalties

Find out if you need to pay, and submit your sales details. We can also help you find the quickest, easiest way to manage your ongoing ARR submissions.

The Artist’s Resale Right is an important mechanism making sure artists receive fair compensation for the increasing value of their work over time. ARR helps develop a sustainable ecosystem promoting creativity, benefiting both artists and the art market. After all, there would be no galleries or art dealers without artists.

Matthew Flowers
Art dealer

ARR tools and calculators

Tools and calculators for art market professionals, to help you understand if you need to pay ARR and how much is due.

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