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Artist services

Notify DACS about a death

Find out how to let us know if an artist, creator or beneficiary who was a DACS member has died. We’ll then update our details and put payments on hold until any new beneficiaries can register.

Contact us

If you know or think that the person who has died was a DACS member, please get in touch to let us know on +44 (0)20 7780 7575 or email the Artists' Services team.

What you’ll need to tell us

Tell us their name, date of birth, date of death and address. We will also ask to see a copy of the death certificate.

Let us know as soon you're able to. We'll update our records, and put their royalty payments on hold.

How do I know if they were a DACS member?

DACS is a membership organisation that distributes royalty payments to artists, creators and beneficiaries.

You may find:

  • DACS correspondence in their paperwork or computer files
  • payments from DACS in their bank statements
  • a reference to DACS in their Will

How long does DACS continue acting for the artist, creator or beneficiary?

When an artist, creator or beneficiary who was a DACS member dies, we continue to manage their rights and collect royalties. Their payments are put on hold until administration of the deceased’s estate is finalised, and any relevant new beneficiaries can register with DACS.

In the absence of any other instructions we can continue to operate on a member’s behalf for 7 years after their death. This allows, for example, for cases where probate is lengthy and/or litigious. It's unusual for the full 7 years to be needed.

Copyright and the Artist’s Resale Right lasts for the duration of an artist’s lifetime, plus 70 years after their death.

Further information

The following articles and information from DACS could be useful for you:

Contact us

If you know or think that someone who has died was a DACS member, please get in touch with us to let us know on +44 (0) 20 7780 7575.

Email the Artists' Services team