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Step 4: Submit your Notice

Submitting to a major platform using their standard form

Find standard forms for some major platforms:

After you’ve submitted your Notice, the platform is responsible for responding and taking down the infringed material.

Submitting to a company’s infringement contact email address

If the website or social media platform hosting company does not offer a standard Takedown web form, prepare your Notice following the advice in Step 3 of this guide.

When you’ve completed your Notice, send it to the copyright infringement contact email address provided by the hosting company for processing.

The contact information should be in the company’s infringement policy. The infringement policy is often within the site’s ‘terms and conditions’, ‘abuse policy’ or ‘legal’ footer links. The contact is sometimes referred to as the ‘designated agent’ or ‘copyright agent’, or other terms may be used.

To identify the company responsible for hosting a website with infringing material, look it up on a tool like

Next section:
The Takedown