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Artist services

Step 3: Gather the information you need to issue your notice

Platforms like eBay, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and TikTok provide standard web-based forms for submitting your Notice. Go to Step 4 to find these.

Check what information about the infringement they require. Collect this up ready to submit through the form, to reduce the chances of having your notice rejected.

US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

Other companies, who do not provide a reporting mechanism, may require your Notice to follow DMCA requirements. This will usually be specified in the company’s infringement policy.

Read the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) – US government Copyright Office website

If your Notice needs to be DMCA compliant, provide it in writing and include:

  • the copyright owner’s physical or electronic signature, or that of a person authorised to act on behalf of the copyright owner
  • identification of the original work or works claimed to be infringed
  • identification of the material claimed to be infringing
  • your contact information
  • a statement that the information in the notification is accurate and that under penalty of perjury you are authorised to act on behalf of the copyright owner

Access a DMCA Notice template on the Takedown.Digital site

Next section:
Step 4: Submit your Notice